Monday 25 June 2012

Sekai no Owari no Mahoutsukai Chapter 1

Hello! Here's the first release by Doctor Mangahattan's Manga Scans!

The Prologue and Chapter 1 of "Sekai no Owari no Mahoutsukai", originally by Daisuke Nishijima. The title translates to "The Witch at the End of the World" but I haven't translated that in the scans because whatever! The prologue is only 6 pages so I bundled it in with Chapter 1 which is 30something. Enjoy!

Mediafire link:

The series is about a kid who lives in a magical world and then some stuff happens, it's pretty good. The art seems quite kiddy but the story probably falls closer to seinen then shonen, for one thing there's no furigana on the kanji!

Doctor Mangahattan out!

Doctor Mangahattan has landed!

Hello! Welcome to Doctor Mangahattan's Manga Scans. I am Doctor Mangahattan, and I am going to scanlate some manga that I think are good and currently not being scanlated.

For anybody interested in why I'm doing this, I studied Japanese at university a few years ago but since graduating haven't really used it. There's also a few manga I like that nobody has scanlated. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone and try scanlating manga whilst getting back in to Japanese. My Japanese was never the best so I'm sure to translate some things wrong, and my editing skills could best be described as "non-existent", but what the hell! It's not like anybody else was doing these manga.

So with that out of the way, let's go! To the moon!